22 Feb 2024


The Ministry of Petroleum Resources, under the guidance of the Honorable Minister of State for Petroleum Resources (Gas), Hon. Ekperikpe Ekpo, has convened a high-profile internal stakeholders’ workshop at the Petroleum Technology Development Fund Towers in Abuja on Thursday, February 22nd, 2024. The workshop, themed “Harnessing Nigeria’s Proven Gas Reserves for Economic Growth and Development,” signifies a pivotal step towards leveraging Nigeria’s abundant gas resources for national prosperity.


In a significant development, Engr. Gbenga Komolafe, the Chief Executive of the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission, took the stage to present a comprehensive regulatory roadmap focused on maximizing Nigeria’s gas reserves for economic growth and development. His presentation shed light on crucial regulatory measures aimed at facilitating investment, promoting transparency, and ensuring sustainable utilization of Nigeria’s gas wealth.


The workshop, attended by chief executives of agencies under the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, serves as a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and strategic planning. With the participation of key stakeholders, the event fosters a conducive environment for brainstorming and preferring innovative solutions and forging partnerships to unlock the full potential of Nigeria’s gas reserves.


Hon. Ekperikpe Ekpo, in his address, emphasized the strategic importance of Nigeria’s gas reserves as a catalyst for economic transformation. He highlighted the need for coordinated efforts and visionary leadership to harness these resources effectively for the benefit of the nation. The workshop’s theme reflects a collective commitment to prioritize the development of the gas sector as a cornerstone of Nigeria’s economic diversification agenda.


The presence of chief executives from various agencies under the Ministry of Petroleum Resources reemphasize the government’s commitment to inter-agency collaboration and synergy in driving initiatives aimed at maximizing the value of Nigeria’s natural resources. Their active participation signifies a shared vision and determination to overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities in the gas sector.


As discussions unfold and insights are shared, the workshop aims to formulate actionable strategies and policy frameworks that will attract investments, stimulate innovation, and foster inclusive growth in Nigeria’s gas industry. By harnessing Nigeria’s proven gas reserves effectively, the nation can accelerate its economic development trajectory, create job opportunities, and enhance energy security for sustainable prosperity.


The Ministry of Petroleum Resources remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing the agenda of harnessing Nigeria’s gas reserves for economic growth and development. Through collaborative efforts, visionary leadership, and strategic planning, Nigeria is poised to emerge as a leading player in the global energy landscape, driving progress and prosperity for its people and future generations.

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