20 Sep 2019


The Honorable Minister of State Petroleum Resources (HMSPR) Chief Timipre Sylva, made his maiden visit to the DPR on Thursday 19th September 2019.

He was received at the Department by the Acting Director (DPR) Mr. Ahmad Rufai Shakur, DPR Top Management and Senior Staff members. The visit is the first of its kind by the Honorable Minister of State since assumption of duty at the Ministry.

The Ag. Director had the pleasure of welcoming the Honorable Minister to DPR and introduced members of DPR Top Management to him. In his response, the Minister outlined his vision for the industry with particular interests in continued implementation of the “7 Big Wins“, Reducing cost of production per barrel, Eliminating security challenges and vandalization of production infrastructure, Increasing LPG penetration across the country, Improving integrity of measuring equipment’s at the terminals, amongst others.
Responding, the Ag. Director reassured the Minister of DPR’s commitment in the implementation and realization of his vision for the industry. The Director observed that, the Department had already started developing a policy framework in line with his vision.
The Director led the Honorable Minister on a tour of some facilities in the Department, the National Data Repository (NDR), which is the data hub for the entire oil and gas industry in Nigeria, the National Production Monitoring System (NPMS), which has recently been upgraded to monitor Realtime Crude Oil, LNG and Petroleum Products vessels into and outside the country.

The Minister and his delegation were full of commendation for the Department over the facilities inspected. In his words, “this is very impressive”. The highpoint of the visit was the presentation of a tablet to the Honorable Minister, to enable him monitor crude oil exports and petroleum products importation on a real time basis.

The Director also presented him with some of the Department’s regulatory publications; Environmental Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria, Compendium of Oil and Gas Laws and Regulations amongst others

More on this news click here – https://tbiafrica.com/2019/09/22/petroleum-minister-reiterates-fgs-commitment-to-implementation-of-7-big-wins/

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