15 Aug 2017

DPR Engages Banks over the Development and Launching Of IMPEX (Import & Export Regulatory Administration) Online Solution

A stakeholder workshop was held at the DPR headquarters in Lagos on Tuesday August 8, 2017 to apprise the banking community on the soon to be launched electronic petroleum products Import and Export Permitting process (IMPEX).  IMPEX will be the flagship automation program for the regulatory roles of the Department in the downstream sector which is being fully automated to provide customers and stakeholders world class service delivery for the importation and/or exports of petroleum products as well as distribution and retail.

The engagement session which was facilitated by the strategy & performance evaluation team of the Department of Petroleum Resources as project anchors, in conjunction with the Downstream Division as the User entity, reviewed the evolution and the business case for the automation of this component, also the regulatory role of the Oil and Gas Industry in the migration from manual processes to electronic process using IMPEX.

Impex pix 2Maxfront Technologies Limited, the project Consultants and solution providers for DPR ran a simulation depicting the various modules and demonstrating the interface between the banks and the various other users of the solution.

The representatives of the various banks who were present at the user engagement meeting were brought up to speed on expectations from their own end. They would have to nominate a bank’s super Admin who would manage the integration of the banks’ various branches and other users’ various bank branches on IMPEX. A functional customer support and comprehensive video tutorial will be available to guide the banks accordingly.

Access to the IMPEX application can be achieved by all the stakeholders either through the DPR website www.dpr.gov.ng or the IMPEX URL –  https://impex.dpr.gov.ng/



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