14 Dec 2018

HSE and Sustainable development in oil, gas industry

Going back memory lane, it is recalled that the emergence of HSE conference was in response to a heightened environmental consciousness as well as global need for sustainable development. Interestingly, that same impetus that gave rise to the maiden edition has returned as the main focus of today’s 18th edition, namely, Sustainable Development, but with a slightly different twist, which I will explain briefly. The oil and gas industry seems to be under a new threat, which is the renewed dislike and global war against fossil fuels and the quest for renewable and cleaner energy, purely for environment considerations, chief among which is the concern about global warming.

Over the years, the threat against fossil fuels had always been on paper, but today, it is more real than ever, based on some clear evidence I like to draw our attention to. Three among the biggest technology companies have made attempts at electric cars to replace gasoline and diesel engines. While the attempt of Apple may not have made it to production yet and that of Google was suspended after clearly successful street trials, that of Tesla actually took the world by surprise.

Not only did the first two releases of Tesla outsell sales forecasts, they were actually oversubscribed, and the demand keeps rising while new models are being added. As we speak, some of the big IOCs here seated are funding gigantic researches into alternative fuels, which include the use of cheap, common algae. As sweet as Nigeria’s crudes are renown to be globally, we have recently lost our most valued customers and our gas buyers are themselves now competing with us in the same marketspace as suppliers. Ladies and gentlemen, all of these point to one fact, namely, if Nigeria is to continue to benefit from its vast petroleum resources, now than ever is the time to build sustainability into its prospecting, drilling, production, transportation and usage, as well as management of its wastes. And this task rests on the shoulders of not only the DPR but all stakeholders. Little wonder then that we have chosen a befitting theme for this current edition of the conference, which is: “Driving Sustainability in the Oil and Gas Industry through Improved Stakeholders’ Environmental Stewardship”.  The spirit from the DPR and its parent Ministry of Petroleum Resources is that a lot is still achievable, and we invite you all to join us in making that a reality.

Dear participants and invited guests, may I therefore give you some quick heads-up on the key expectations from the current edition of this auspicious conference to the benefit of our valued environment, workforce, host communities and to the benefit of your existing or potential investment initiatives. You are expecting a total of four (4) plenary sessions bothering on all aspects of HSE and sustainable development of oil and gas resources. There will be a total of thirty-six (36) technical papers. In addition to that, we also wish to benefit from the privilege of the Honourable Minister of State for Petroleum Resources to conduct for us the opening ceremony for the lineup of exhibition stands showcasing various products and services that some of you have brought to further demonstrate the potentials and readiness of Nigeria to enhance HSE management in the Oil and Gas Industry for its sustainable development and life prolongation against all odds.

.Being an excerpt from the welcome address by the Director, Department of Petroleum Resources, Mr. M.D.B. Ladan at the 18th international biennial HSE conference on the oil and gas industry in Nigeria held in Lagos between November 26-28, 2018

Source : http://energytimesonline.com

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