22 Jan 2020


The Director, Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) Engr. Sarki Auwalu MNSE, played host to the Managing Director/Chief Executive of TOTAL E&P Nigeria Limited, Mr. Mike Sangster and delegation at the DPR Head office in Lagos.

The Chief Executive of TOTAL was accompanied by senior officials of TOTAL E&P NIG. LTD. EGM Egina close out/ Preowei Project, EGM OSS, Mr Alex Agedo, Mina Abiodun, Manager Partner Relations & Authorities Preowei Project.

The Director DPR welcomed the delegation on behàlf of DPR Management and commended TOTAL E&P for the aggressive but subtle business approach, that TOTAL E&P has embraced as a wining strategy in growing it’s wealth in Nigeria.

The Director commended TOTAL for their human capital development initiatives for relevant stakeholders in the industry. He further encouraged TOTAL to do more in this regard and challenged them to take full advantage of the increased business opportunities in the Nigerian oil and gas valuechain.

Responding, Mr. Mike congratulated the Director on his recent appointment as Director of DPR and reassured him of collaboration between the DPR & TOTAL E&P Nigerià Ltd. to consolidate on the success of two of it’s FPSO’s Usan and the Egina project which was concluded in 2018 with current production of over 600,000 bpd.

He indicated their willingness to increase their investment in Nigeria from it’s current global ranking of over 10% in E&P investments and to cope with current business opportunities in the Nigerian oil and gas sector.

He also informed the Director that approximately 65% of Nigerians, are currently engaged at different levels with TOTAL overseas, which makes it a highly beneficial resource for TOTAL and Nigeria in general.

Engr. Sarki reassured the visiting delegation of DPR’s Management commitment to collaborate with TOTAL at various levels of mutual interest.

The highpoint of the visit was the presentation of the EGINA FPSO Model to the DRR Director.

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